The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Paquet X Landry: Planter du sel
Paquet X Landry:
Planter du sel

(Tour de Bras -- Canada )

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Alternating between classical and electric guitars, Pascal Landry and Francois Paquet use a non-traditional broadcast system where the signal from their electric guitars is sent through materials selected by the musicians, creating unique tones and timbres, and providing an interesting visual aspect to their dialogs, captured here in the studio in Beauport, Quebec in 2021.

Le GGRIL: Sommes [3 CDs]
Sommes [3 CDs]

(Tour de Bras / Circum-Disc -- Canada )

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A magnificent triple-CD set from the Quebec creative ensemble GGRIL performing the works of Frederic Blondy, Robert Marcel Lepage, Lisa Cay Miller, Malcolm Goldstein, Caroline Kraabel, Allison Cameron, Martin Arnold, Lori Freedman, Michel F. Cote, Jean Derome and Gus Garside, a significant and beautifully packaged release from one of Canada's most important new music groups.

GGRIL: Plays Laubrock
Plays Laubrock

(Tour de Bras / Circum-Disc -- Canada )

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The GGRIL (Grand groupe régional d'improvisation libérée) improviser ensemble based in Quebec invited German saxophonist living in NYC, Ingrid Laubrock, to compose three works, taking the band on adventerous journeys of texture, abstraction and melody, harnessing the power of the band's unique orchestration of electric guitars, percussion, and strings.

GGRIL [feat John Butcher / Isaiah Ceccarelli / Xavier Charles]: Facon [2 CDs]
GGRIL [feat John Butcher / Isaiah Ceccarelli / Xavier Charles]:
Facon [2 CDs]

(Circum-Disc -- France )

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The Quebec ensemble GGRIL of eclectic instrumentation, acoustic and electronic, with an open-minded approach to developing large-scale works bringing together approaches to improvisation and contemporary composition, here presenting three works from residencies with John Butcher, Isaiah Ceccarelli and Xavier Charles recorded from 2016 through 2018.

Insect-ions (Pascal Landry / Mick Barr): out.over.forever
Insect-ions (Pascal Landry / Mick Barr):

(Tour de Bras -- France )

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Acoustic guitar intermeshes with electric guitar as Canadian guitarist Pascal Landry and New York guitarist Mick Barr, both of whom play in heavy rock and free improvisation settings, meet in Queens, NY to record this intense album of free playing using a diverse set of approaches, intertwining their strings in an insectile swarm of notes and timbres.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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